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Thursday, May 28, 2009

Got Water???

"Water....Colorado's 21st Century Gold".....that was the name of a class I took last year which clearly spelled out why 21 different states are fighting over water which originates in Colorado, a headwater state. Did you know that all of the water that will ever be found on our planet Earth is already here? It just changes shapes and location. I do not frequently promote my own listings on my blog, but I feel compelled to share with you the incredible opportunity that awaits in the following listing which carries water rights appropriated in 1918,1884 and 1903 and adjudicated in 1936, 1901 and 1919. If you want 35 acres suitable for horses, cattle or organic farming, this is your chance. The owner has also agreed to finance up to 100% of the purchase price for qualified buyers. Here are the details:
35 acres in the exclusive, gated community of Sorrell Hills just 5 minutes from Eagle, Colorado. Flat parcel with speactacular views to the New York Mountains and plenty of water. 98% fenced and a well in place in addition to electrical, phone and cable services. Please visit or call me at 970-376-8000.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Vail Colorado Tax Valuation Notices - Yikes!

Tax valuation notices were mailed to all Eagle County property owners this week and many property owners are not happy. You may be surprised at the increase in your assessed value for tax purposes. Remember that the new value is based on the value of your home between January 2007 and June 2008 (before the big financial melt down and ensuing real estate crash). Now is a great time to call your realtor. A real estate professional can look up comparable sales for you and give you some ammunition for an appeal or let you know if the new value is reasonable. You have until June 1st to appeal the valuation, so pick up the phone and try to save your self some money! More information available at the county assessor's website at: