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Monday, December 14, 2009

Vail Valley Foreclosure Assistance - You Can Get Help

According to the Colorado foreclosure hotline website, four out of five homeowners who met with a foreclosure counselor avoided the process. This statistic is hard to believe but encouraging nonetheless for anyone in trouble with their home mortgage. If you need help, please call:

1-877-601-4673 (HOPE)             It's free! or visit:

It is a very scary prospect to think of losing your home. Loan modification progrmas have been unsuccessful for many, but the government is insisting that uncooperative lenders take action to prevent more foreclosures. Here is another informative website with lots of questions and answers: Here is a good website with lots of Q&As that may help or at least explain some things:

So, even if you think you have exhausted all possibilities, I bet you haven't. You can call me too. I will be happy to assist you and try to help you keep your home. I can be reached at

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